On-call Ashtrology wisdom
Your astrology question answered in
24-hours for $35.
Birth chart, current astrology, or learning astrology questions.
Astrology based guidance that’s personal, understandable, doable, and affordable!
One astrology question answered within 24 hours for $35
Offering actionable steps to use astrology, so it doesn’t use you
Steps to this service:
- You text me your question (see FAQ below for examples), birth data, and email address
- I confirm via text that I can answer your question
- I email you an agreement to sign which is good for a year (see FAQ)
- You sign agreement
- I have 24 hours to study & ask you clarifying questions via text
- I text you a file of a 5-8 minute voice recording with your answer (see FAQ)
- If your question requires dates I will also text in written form the dates
- You can reply with a clarifying follow-up question, if needed
- I email you an invoice of $35 & you pay with credit card or bank account
- We both smile
For desktop users: text me at 715-505-4629
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is going on with my birth chart? (Often its a glaring outer planet asking you to honor it)
When is there some upcoming optimal travel times for me?
When should I launch my offering/website/product?
What motivates me?
What is my communication style?
Direction via you birth chart.
You have yearly noticeable patterns that you want info on how to utilize.
Most beneficial and challenging aspect in my birth chart & how to utilize.
Learning/clarifying your astrology knowledge (I will let you know if your question is too much for the $35 charge)
What is my life’s purpose? (A longer astro chat can discuss this click here for link to chat page)
When will I meet my person?
Am I going to get ill/hurt?
When/how am I going to die?
Am I going to win the lottery?
When will I make X amount of money?
This agreement is a layer of protection for me and you. It outlines our responsibilities. Basically saying I am not responsible for your life’s decisions and my services are for entertainment purposes only. It is easy to read and sign via phone or other devices.
For me, it is easier than texting and then I can give you more information.