insights from western seasonal astrology
Flow with the cosmos rather than against.
Ashtrology is Ash Reed’s way of simplifying astrology to make it useful in everyday life.

Down-to-Earth Astrological Guidance

“Ash is spot on & super enthusiastic for you to embrace your innate qualities as set by the cosmos! Way more in depth than most astrologers, she uses her gifts to support & encourage you to be yourself & live the best life you can.
– Sarah sacred yogini

Astrology Chats you will remember for life
A dialogue all about you! It’s fabulous and you will adore it. 75 minutes for $134
Western Seasonal Astrology
Conversations on Zoom meetings with notes and recording provided.
Astrology Text messages – try before you buy
Unique service of real-time astrology at your finger tips with options for the general astrology aka the Astrology for All text service.
First 2 weeks for free!

On-Call Ashtrology wisdom
Sometimes you need guidance in the moment and this easy and affordable service can do just that!
A “just right” astrology service that is more than the astrology text messages and less than a long astrology chat.
Check out the FAQ section at the bottom of the On-Call page.
Ash Reed
of the

Find resources and tools via the blog section
Categories include: How to make astrology usable everyday, helpful do-it-yourself astrology tips & elaborations on techniques I use during our astrology conversation.
Why astrology?
Astrology is Powerful
Not because it tells you exactly what to do, but it reveals to you underlying patterns that are hidden in plain site.
Once revealed, this knowledge will help transform the way you interact with the world and help you make better decisions, both big and small.