Predict your most challenging times of the year
Do you want to benefit from the awesome tool of astrology, but you’re not ready to deep dive study into this science?
This short read is your ticket if you know your birthday and can count to 6:
The cycle the Sun makes throughout the year takes you through ebbs and flows.
Your birthday is the end of a cycle, thus the beginning of another.
Starting with your birthday, count exactly 6 months from there. This is known as your “half birthday”, but in astrology it’s an opposition. Oppositions bring tensions aka challenges!
For example, if your birthday is Feb 15th then 6 months after is Aug 16th.
Think of your birthday as your comfortable time of year. It’s your jam time! The opposite time of year, when the Sun is in the opposite zodiac sign of when you were born is usually tough or when you feel pulled.
Some notable real life examples of people during their half birthday time is lower immunity, sickness, everyone needs your help, feeling tugged on, tiredness, and/or overworked.
NOT EVERYONE WILL EXPERIENCE THIS nor EVERY TIME as this is generally speaking and every birth chart is specific, thus unique.
On to the next challenging times of year, before we get to tips on working with the energy…
With your birthday and the opposite time of year, we can find the cross-quarter days aka 3 months after your birthday AND 3 months before your birthday.
For example, if your birthday is Feb 15th and the opposite time of year is Aug 16th, then the cross-quarter days are Nov 15th and May 15th.
If you are a visual person, here ya go:
These cross-quarter days are known as squares in astrology. Squares bring on internal friction, bumping heads, hurdles, blockages, &/or frustrations.
How to work with these challenging times of year:
- First of all, give your dates some orb aka add 4 days before the date of birth AND 3 days after. Using the example of Feb 15th as a birthday, Feb 11th-18th is the orb. Continue this orb for the cross-quarter days and the opposite days.
Just like we can see the sun rays appearing on the horizon before the Sun actually rises, we can feel these energies approaching!
- Write in whatever calendar you use these dates using keywords like:
Birthday time = groovy, awesome, comfortable
3 months after bday = friction, angst, frustrations
6 months after bday = tension, pulling, weak
3 months before bday = hurdles, fork in road, blocks
- Avoid over planning & over doing during these tough times of year.
- Watch your intake of food/drink to avoid taxing your bodies systems, especially 6 months after your birthday! Increase your immunity and lay low, if possible.
- Give way to the natural ebb and flow of this cycle as it could be your clue to rest, retreat, stop, &/or just be without the need to do.
This is a powerful astrological tool, yet easy to understand and use. In other words, astrology can be used in simple, everyday ways! And I am here to help.
Of course with ebbs there are flows aka beneficial times of years, so look for that blog soon as I want you to have this info in bite-sized ways!
➡️ Write in the comments any ah-ha moments you have looking back at your challenging times of the year. Thank you oh so for reading & feel free to share this great info with the buttons at the top of blog!
Happen to be reading this on my 6 months and goodness does this make so much sense to the way I’m feeling. That you for bringing such ease to understanding.
Oh goodness It’s real for you this year as I am curious about other years as you Erika I know may be an exception to the rule! Keep me posted
SHAZZAM! Nov 5 was my half Bday. No wonder I was “going through it” in a hard way. Geeze!!!! Good to know.
I’m just emerging from the drama/angst/frustrations.
Thanks Ash!! Great stuff💚🎶💚🎶💚🥰
Mind blown huh? WOW thank for sharing. Interesting you are another I know that I thought might be an exception to the rule because your Moon sign is in the opposite of your Sun sign….(scratching head) ok well we cannot deny what is real for you this time. Keep me posted on the other dates!